Physical intro of all the material to be used in the Escape.
Being handcuffed by Mr.Murali Mohan, a great actor and financier in the Telugu Film Industry.
Assisting him in the process is THE GREAT MAGICIAN ANAND - The one truly deserving of the whole credit!
Being chained all over the body.
A brief Interview by NDTV before the actual event.

About to be put into the sack, inside which was tied before being locked in the Box.
The box being lowered into the Hussain Sagar Lake from a Steamer.
So close to the water, I could almost smell it!!
Could feel the water all over my body and around me as the water started filling inside the box through the holes made in the box.
Tasted the Lake's SPICY water and trust me, it tasted like a RELIEF!!!
Turned back to ensure everything was alright and that the timekeepers gave me some good news!!!
On top of the boat, finding it difficult to balance myself, yet, ecstatic about the success.
A fine boat-ride, waving to the Cameras, and to the people who had witnessed the Escape.
With friends and cameras, all asking me how the water tasted ;-)